With what you've learned with me so far, you WILL be able to get numbers from women. Lots of them. Now I'm not saying you'll get the gosip for every lady that turns your head; plenty of women will be unavailable for various reasons. Some have boyfriends, some are taking a break, some are just in the wrong mood whatever, it doesn't matter. You know enough to not let the unavailable women get you down, affect your confidence, or change your playfulness. We're not worried about them.
And now that you can get the numbers of TONS of women, my job is done, right?
Wrong. This is just the FIRST STEP and you've got to remember that. Just because you've got a woman interested and even if you keep your relaxed confidence going there are plenty of places to stumble.
The Instant Date
Like what? This may surprise you, but you SHOULDN'T take women on dates. That might sound strange, so I'll phrase it another way.
If you take a woman to dinner and a movie, you're asking to be strung along like a knitting club's quilt. You set yourself up for all sorts of mistakes which I'll talk about in a second and you're just begging for uncomfortable silences and boring conversation.
Hey, you can make it work. You just make yourself work a LOT harder.
So what should you do instead? Well, best-case scenario you create an instant date. You go from meeting to GOING somewhere, TOGETHER. This can mean moving from the bookstore to a coffee shop, one club to another or often, to begin, just LEADING a woman from one part of a kafe to another.
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