How To Meet And Pick Up Women Using Mental Pictures

Meeting and Picking Up Women Using Mental Pictures

It is known fact that whatever a man can conceive mentally, he can bring into materialization. Meeting and picking up women must follow if the proper mental pictures are created and maintained, for this sets in motion the law of cause and effect.

To help you create the mental pictures of meeting and picking up women, I will describe a very effective method to saturate your subconscious mind with mental pictures.

You will need about four cards. The back of business cards will do just great. Just write the word, "LOVE CONNECTION" or any other word you associate with meeting women with on these cards. Carry one in your wallet, place one on your bathroom mirror, place one by your bed, then another one where you work. Whenever you look at these cards, mentally picture yourself meeting and picking up women at various places such as nightclubs, the beach, swimming pools, etc. By placing these cards
in various areas, this will enable you to see mentally, the pictures at all hours of the day.

In addition to using the cards during the day, it is best to look at them before you go to sleep at night and upon awaking in the morning and mentally picture yourself meeting many women. These two periods of the day are highly important moments to concentrate upon thoughts with added force. It is helpful to form these pictures throughout the day because the more often you form your pictures backed with desire, the speedier the materialization.

In conclusion, you should tell nobody what the words on the cards mean or give anyone any suggestion as to what you are trying to accomplish. Just keep it to yourself. Any outside ridicule or criticism can be detrimental to your success with these methods.



What To Do When You First Meet A Topless Dancer

When you first meet a topless dancer, do these important steps to create a bond. Be the first to extend your hand during your initial greeting. While shaking hands, give her a warm friendly smile and say, "Hi, my name is _____." That's the best way to open the channels of communication between you and the dancer. She will be impressed by you shaking her hand also because most men don't.

You are showing her respect and making her feel special. It shows that you're a warm & friendly person and it helps to lower her defenses. It creates an atmosphere of receptivity between you and the dancer.
When you shake hands, be sure your hand acts as your private diplomat. Use a firm grip to show strength and friendliness. A grip that's too hard seems aggressive. A grip that's too soft suggests that you're weak, retreating or indifferent. As soon as you feel her grip relax, break the handshake. If it's a very quick handshake it indicates an obligatory handshake. I'll bet you didn't think handshaking was such an art.


How To Maintain A Relationship With Women

This is not so much a hint as a statement about relationships in general.
Relationships need energy to survive. Both parties have to want it to be strong and have to be willing to make the effort necessary to keep it strong. Many of the relationships that we have seen fail, did so because one or both of the parties involved did not really care if the relationship lasted. If it continued and they benefited from it - fine, they'll stick around. But make sacrifices or be inconvenienced to keep it going? No way. When, however, both parties really want a relationship to work, and then both parties will put the effort into making it work.
Remember, relationships are not always going to be a bed of roses. There will be problems. There will be times when you will have to bend and give for the continued well being of the relationship. But if both parties really want the relationship to survive and if they are willing to do what is necessary to keep it strong, then they will both benefit from a strong relationship.
The last bit of advice in this chapter is to repeat what we said at the beginning of the chapter. Stay on your toes. Don't be foolish enough to think that just because you are in a relationship you can relax and stop courting her, romancing her, and being the person she fell in love with at your first meeting.
This article is from our best-selling book, "A Man's Guide to Women."