Hygienic Mistakes All Mums Make While Pregnant

With your unborn baby sitting in your womb there are a lot of precaution that you should take as a mother to be. You'll soon find out that you'll need to put on hold most of those habits and some beauty care routine you love so much before getting pregnant. This is because they might end up putting your unborn child at risk.

So what are those mistake you should avoid until after delivery, here are they , check them out

1.wearing underwear that doesn't breathe

This time making your down there area free from bacteria and infection should be your priority since anything that affect your veeejay area will also put the growing fetus(your baby) at risk.
Underwears that restrict your down area from free air passage will draw you close to infection so you should put those aside for the pregnancy period. You can use linen panties or cotton instead.

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2. Hot bath

Hot bath might seem tempting to relieve your body and  sore feet but its not advisable until your bun is out of the oven. Having a long bath with warm water could have effect on the chemical balance down there and might cause infection.

3. Not wiping correctly

Oh yes, you've just got down with your business down there in and out of the toilet since you're feeling not comfortable with your bump. 
Really, it can be exhausting but you just need to pay attention to things like wiping from the front to the back to avoid the spread of unwanted bacteria.

4. Brushing your teeth with fluoride

It's trace could end up in your body system and might act dangerous to your unborn child.
So there's need to be careful about the type of toothpaste you'll make use of while you're pregnant.
Naturally, teeth cleanser like baking soda would be the most preferred alternative to use.

Pregnancy is a period that all women would pass through if they are to have a baby(ies) , getting pregnant is not just the issue but to be hygienically active and okay.

Stay clean.

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